SC:When did you decide you wanted to write?
TH: I decided to write my first book in 1999.
SC: How many novels in all have you written?
TH: 4 almost done with number 5
SC: Do you have a favorite?
TH: i have a few favorites but the all
time great is Richard Wright
SC: How long did it take you to write your first
TH: About 9 months.
SC: Where do you get your inspiration for your
stories? Are the characters based on real people?
TH: My inspiration comes from life. I
want to show black people in a different light than the masses (television, music, movies). All of the characters are fictional.
SC: After writing your first novel, did you
self-publish? If so, how was that experience?
TH: I did self publish. The experience was priceless
because I learned so much about the business as a whole.
SC: What feedback have you received from
TH: I always get wonderful feedback for
the stories I choose to write. Every now and then someone will say they didn't like my work but that's to be expected when
you put things out for public scrutiny.
SC: What authors do you admire? Did one of them
inspire you?
TH: I'm good friends with Eric Jerome Dickey
and he's been a wonderful asset to my career. He tells folks I'm his favorite author :-). I wasn't inspired to write because
of another author, I was inspired to write because if the negative images I saw of black people.
SC: Is writing your only passion?
TH: I wouldn't call it a passion. I'm passionate
about my people and I use writing as a vessel to get my thoughts out to the world.
SC: What made you start The Hearts of Men Foundation?
Do you plan to expand it to other cities?
TH: I wanted to give a little back to
those who were unfortunate enough not to have a positive male role model in their lives. I can't express how much men cheat
themselves when they choose not to be apart of their children's lives. But some men need to stay away especially if they are
not prepared to build the next generation. I would love for THOMF to venture out into other cities. Eventually that will happen.
How can people make a donation? Just write the
check :-)
SC: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
TH: I don't know. Somewhere helping those
who could use a hand. That's my best bet.
SC:What advice would you give aspiring authors?
TH: This is a question that a lot of people
ask. My advice is to find out if you truly want to write. This is a very lonely job and it takes discipline. After all of
that, read, read, read. Then take writing classes if at possible. Once your manuscript is complete, find a book editor. E-mail
me and I'll refer you to a great one. then pray the masses will take to you.
SC: What would you like readers to learn
from your stories?
TH: That they are some really good black
men out there. That all of us aren't pimps and lowlifes. That we care about our children, our women and our community
as a whole.
SC: Are you working on another novel? What is
it about?
TH: I'm always working on a new book but
I'm taking 2005 off. So look for two books in 06. one fiction and one nonfiction.
SC: Where can people purchase your books?
Do you have a website?
TH: My books should be wherever books
are sold. I do have a web site it's . thanks for the interview.