SD: I wrote my 1st book in the 5th grade.
We had a art assignment to do an art journal. Where we had to draw our thoughts like you would if you wrote in a journal
daily. Well, I can't draw and decided to tell a story. It had a beginning, middle and a end. I just wish
I still had it. I didn't get a good grade! Then in the 7th grade, i was picked to be in a creative writing class.
My first published work was in a middle school paper.
PWLGB: How many novels in all have you written?
SD: I just finished my second novel, "Monogamous
Intentions." I also have one that has 7 chapters completed. Another with three completed and one in another.
PWLGB: How long did it take you to write your first novel?
SD: I started after I finished Nursing school
for my RN. So from 2001 to 2002. It was an off and on project. Just a little something to do. Then I left
someone read it and they told me to do something with it.
PWLGB: What inspired you to write "Nothing Like Friends"? Are the characters based on real people?
SD: Well, I joined Black Expressions and read
some books and thought to myself, "I can do this." The characters in this novel are all a division of me but to the
EXTREME. I felt what they all felt at one point in my life but they were really dramatized.
PWLGB: After writing your first novel, did you self-publish?? If so, how was that experience?
SD: After I finished "Nothing Like Friends"
I sent out 2 dozen letters to literary agents and got rejected. Some of them were very harsh. I then found a print
on demand company and we with them in the beginning of 2005. They were very expensive and took too long to deliver the
books and they charged the reader almost $20 for a paperback. I know, as a reader, I would not buy a paperback for $20.
They didn't help advertise and you were basically on your own.
I since then launched DeLoach-Davis Publishing. I
can now say what goes on with the process of my books. So far so good.
PWLGB: What feedback have you received from fans?
SD: OH MY GOD! Something that was a leisure
project turned into a best-seller. (locally) No one has given me a bad review. Someone did tell me that they
didn't think the ending should have happened like that. She fell in love with that character. I got 5 stars from
everyone. I was really surprised. If my friends didn't say that I should do something, it would still be in my
PWLGB: What authors do you admire? Did one of them inspire you?
SD: The first book after nursing school was
"Day Late Dollar Short" by Terri McMillan. Then, "The Maintenance Man" by Michael Baisden. The highlight of my new career
was giving my novel to Michael Baisden on his Bad Boy cruise this summer and telling him that he inspired me. Who knows
if he read it. Then there are many others. Those are the two that stuck out the most.
PWLGB: Is writing your only passion?
SD: I love being an RN but I like writing more.
I love dancing, movies and sleep. When I can get that.
PWLGB: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
SD: I see myself with three best-selling novels
under my belt. Doing books signings and enjoying the craft. My business will be successful. And I'll still
be able to have my health and family.
PWLGB: What advice would you give aspiring authors?
SD: I would tell other authors to follow your
dreams. Don't let rejection hold you back from your passion.
PWLGB: What would you like readers to learn from your stories?
SD: I wanted them to feel the characters in
"Nothing Like Friends." I wanted them to relate to them. I wanted them to feel like they were inside the story.
I wanted them to laugh, cry and be mad all at the same time. And which every person who read it said that. If
I can pull that same reaction with the second novel, we'll all need prozac. The character in the next book deals with
some serious issues. I thought at one point I would need prozac writing it.
PWLGB: Are you working on another novel? If so, what is it about?
SD: The second novel "Monogamous Intentions"
is completed. Last week to be exact. I expect it to be for sale around February. No later than March.
It's about a young woman who was married to the perfect man and she had a hot and steamy romance with another. When
she was forgiven by her husband, after counseling, he thing had a little indescretion of his own. This book has a cliff
hanger at the end of every chapter. DRAMA! DRAMA! DRAMA!
Where can people purchase your books? Do you have a website?
SD: Right now, the books can be purchased on
my webiste. for $14.95 + s&h. Don't forget to sign the guest
book! I'm in the process of getting it on amazon and different book stores. I just found a distributor Baker and
Taylor. Things are moving. When you purchase them on my site, I sign them when I ship them.
I appreciate you giving me this opportunity.
You are my first website to invite me. Pray there will be many more.