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Q&A With Dr. Zeda Amaya, Author of "All of God's Children: FAQs Regarding Your Child's Health"
Q. When did you decide you wanted
to write? A. I have always enjoyed written self-expression. For approximately 15 years I
have been saying “one day I will write a book.” After being in Pediatric practice for approximately 10 years,
I noted that many parents asked the same heart felt questions. In other words, many parents are concerned about similar problems
their children experience. So, I decided to summarize the most frequently asked questions that parents ask me and other pediatricians
across the country on a daily basis. Q. How many novels in all have you written? A. This is the first book
that I have written, however, I have written several medically related papers. I am currently writing a paper that will be
submitted to a scholarly journal. Q. How long did it take you to write
your first novel? A. It has taken approximately 4 years, off and on, to write this book. In so doing, I have taught myself a
lot about the industry and started my own publishing company. Q. Tell us about "All of God's Children,” what
made you want to explore that particular topic? A. As stated above, I saw
a need to address some of the most frequently asked questions that brought parents to the pediatrician’s office. The
ultimate goal of the book is to empower parents with critical knowledge to help them raise healthy children. For example,
once a parent knows how to prevent ringworm or how to recognize and stop an asthma attack early, then the parent’s wealth
of knowledge is enriched and their children will directly benefit. Q. After writing your first novel, did you self-publish??
If so, how was that experience? A. Initially I tried the
traditional route of seeking an agent to submit my manuscript to a major publishing house; however, after having received
several denials I decided to self-publish. I was particularly inspired to self-publish after having discovered the book written
by Dan Poynter entitled The Self-Publishing Manual. The book was truly a God-send
because it gave me the courage and fundamental knowledge to start the process of publishing my own work. While the experience
has been more time-consuming and expensive, it has been extremely rewarding. Q. What authors do you admire? Did one of them inspire
you? A. I admire several authors,
chief of them being Maya Angelou, T. D. Jakes, Tyler Perry (playwright author), Napoleon Hill, Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki,
Les Brown, and Jacqueline Thomas. While there are others, all the ones I have
listed have inspired me. Self-help and inspirational are the genres of readings to which I tend to gravitate to uplift me
and teach me. Notably, Jacqueline Thomas (whom I’ve personally known) has helped to inspire me because although she
started out as a classical romance writer she now is a Christian romance writer who is not ashamed to write clean romance
novels. Q. Is writing your only passion? A. No, I enjoy running in
races of varying lengths from 5K to marathons, learning the guitar, Salsa dancing, and of course raising my 3 beautiful children. Q. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? A. Pretty much still doing what I am doing now: raising my children, enjoying a wonderful pediatric practice,
and writing. Q. What advice would you give aspiring
authors? A. Don’t be discouraged
if you find it difficult to be published by a major publishing house. Stories abound about how well-to-do authors who were
snubbed in this manner later proved them wrong. Consider self publishing (not vanity publishing). Do your homework: learn
all you can about the industry. Seek trustworthy guidance. Q. What would you like readers to learn
from your novels? A. The saying goes that “people
perish for lack of knowledge.” I want my readers to flourish with the richness of practical knowledge. Q. Are you working on another novel?
If so, what is it about? A. I am currently expending
all my efforts on the marketing of my current book; however, I am making notes for another book, which deals with child-rearing. Q. Where can people purchase your books?
Do you have a website? A. The book, All of God’s Children: FAQs Regarding Your Child’s Health can be purchased from Amazon.com, Barnes and
Noble, and from my web site www.allofgodschildren.com. Zeda Amaya, Author Interview
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